03. 03. 14

When Chefs Dine Out

I try to keep up with restaurants and restaurant trends as much as I can.  Typically this means eating at moderately priced independent restaurants but a few times a year, I like to see what the “new and notable” are doing.  This past weekend I went to a dinner with friends at restaurant with a noted chef and good reviews in Chicago Magazine and on social media.  While the dinner wasn’t terrible, it wasn’t good.  Oh no, I feel a rant coming on….

I expect servers to get the basics right and to make suggestions that will enhance the dining experience.  This would include serving the correct entrees and letting us know if the menu selections we’re making are large enough to be shared when we indicate we’ll be sharing.

I also expect a reasonable price/value relationship.  I know that ingredient costs are rising and that rent is expensive but a 3 oz portion of Sea Bass for $33 dollars is a rip off.

Finally, I’d like to be able to hear my dining companions.  When did excessive noise get to be the mark of a good restaurant?

I feel better now. Thanks for letting me vent.